Search Results
phaco-trabectome in uveitic glaucoma, scleromalacia, floppy iris
trabectome in endstage uveitic glaucoma, pupilloplasty and stretch #2
trabectome in young pt with uveitic + steroid glaucoma, Behcet
phaco-trabectome; induced hypotony to highlight Schlemm's canal
trabectome then completely tied off, non-vented Baerveldt s/p failed Xpress (trainee) #1
3rd phaco trabectome, bad scope #1
trainee phaco-trabectome; rare: IOL (SN60WF) injection tears bag #1
trainee phaco-trabecome; rare: IOL injection (SN60WF) tears bag #2
Corneal Patch Graft for scleral defect
Happy Tears aka The Mounds - The Pineal Glands
#익상편 #군날개 #수안과 pterygium operation, 익상편 수술 , 수안과